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#1  Henry Förster  94-95  from Karow, (Berlin) Germany 
for more pics/info about Henry click

Henry did an interview with my father 
a WWII's the text! 
Förster/Reitmeier Interview

Förster = Foerster   the oe becomes ö in German  (use alt148 on your keyboard)

Henry's 30th Birthday Party!    (SCROLL DOWN!!)

Joan Collins?   Can't be, but YES it is!   Henry traveled to England to meet
Ms. Collins herself!   It was April 2006.  I'm not sure who's aging better,
Joan at 72 or Henry at 29!


June 30, 2004  The Olympic Torch passes through Berlin and
Henry is there with several friends to carry it. 

Working at a television network in Berlin, H meets lots of folks. 
Here Brad Pitt dropped by the station. Spring of 2004

Here's Henry with German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder     November of 2001

Here's photo's of Henry's 30th Birthday Party, held January 6th 2007 at
the PAN AM LOUNGE Berlin Germany



MY BOYS!  Fabian #7 & Henry #1 - the Birthday Boy!

Fabian, Anne (who was a student in 94-95 with Henry) and Henry

Anne & Astrid Henson

Anne looking serious?  SMILE SMILE!!

Henry & Anne - what a pair!

Henry & Jacco and Anne



Gabi, Henry, Lutz at the opening of artist Ilona Kraft in Berlin
Sept 21, 2007


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